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Are You Ready to Publish Your Best-Seller?

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Jessica is a self-published author and the owner of Carter Creations Publishing House. 


Her leading children's series, "Tribe X," features five magical friends that seek adventures and save the world with their uniqueness & Black melanin magic. "ABC Affirmations About Me" and "Growing Pains" are available on Amazon now.

As a book publisher and educator, she is passionate about teaching Black and Brown people how to publish their works and help increase minority representation in literacy.

"Becoming an author is an amazing accomplishment. I love helping people become authors and reach audiences that need to hear their story," Jessica says.

Publishing Services

Author Development Workshop ($75)

This private virtual 60-minute workshop will show you how to:

* Use multiple brainstorming concepts to create fascinating book ideas.
* Write a finished manuscript. 
* How to publish your book in 10 basic steps.
*Additional moneymaking tips to solidify your lifestyle as an author.
*Provide ample opportunities to ask questions pertaining to your journey and receive immediate feedback to further your progress.

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Author Coaching Session ($99)

Let's define the scope of your writing interests. This 75-minute session allows you to discuss your brilliant ideas and receive immediate feedback on how to develop your dreams on paper. We'll conduct an in-depth analysis to bridge the gaps and organize ideas to construct a game plan designed especially for you. A follow-up meeting provides more details for you to get the wheels turning on your next publishing venture.

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